Free Assessment

Your next automation project starts here…

Melton’s no-cost assessment is a risk-free, attachment-free opportunity to discuss your application for automation with our engineers.

In this initial discussion, we’ll dive into the how, what, when, where, and why of your application. The goal of this process is to first determine if there is a possible solution to your challenges, then identify adequate justification for the project – such as calculating return on investment – and, finally, explore if your current processes and systems are set up to allow for automation.

From there, we’ll help you develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Quotation (RFQ), and even provide a budgetary quotation for our proposed solution.

The best part of our free assessment? You are under no obligation to choose Melton’s solution. But if you do, the assessment sets us up to start on your customized project right away.

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