

The welder shortage is hurting your business. And it’s not going anywhere. The American Welding Society estimates a shortage of 500,000 welders in the US across all manufacturing industries. Not only that, the quality of work that welders output isn’t consistently meeting standards.

This damages your bottom line and your reputation.

Our Cobots were engineered to solve these problems. Built to collaboratively work as partners with humans, Cobots augment your employees’ expertise and empower them to use their knowledge and skill set for more meaningful work.

We don't just sell you a robot. We teach you how to use and optimize it for your applications, creating a dependable, scalable tool to help your company be successful.

The best part? Increasing productivity and revenue through automation allows you to rid your employees of menial tasks and increase their salaries.

Manufacturing Pioneers

Complex problems require innovative solutions.

For over 50 years, Melton Machine has been a pioneer in the manufacturing industry. We introduced CoboWeldTIG in 2017, and the CoboWeldMIG in 2019.

These robotic machines provide flexibility combined with a user-friendly framework for automated welding. That means someone with little to no PC or robot experience can program the Cobot in minutes.

We're with you every step of the way, from setup and training to ongoing support. We are the only manufacturer that sets up the CoboWeld machines and trains our customers.

Melton is a Universal Robot Certified System Integrator and CoboWeld is a certified UR+ solution.

Are you ready to reduce your scrap rate?

  1. Complete the Free Assessment Form to the best of your ability.
    Our engineers will analyze your data and provide a comprehensive solution to meet your needs.
  2. Sign on the dotted line, and schedule your training session.
    Financing is available with buy or lease options.
  3. Celebrate your consistent quality welds and fast track your ROI.
    You’ll be surprised at how much your scrap rate decreases.

MIG vs. TIG: Which is Right for Me?

Luckily, you don’t need to know this. Our engineers will guide you through the process.


  • High-heat applications
  • Faster process
  • Larger welds


  • Low-heat applications
  • Slower process
  • Visually appealing welds


You’re only a few clicks away from optimizing your automation capabilities. At Melton Machine & Control, a clear channel of communication between our automation experts and your skilled team is a priority. Fill out our contact form to get the ball rolling on your next custom automation design and integration.

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